Author Visits

On this page:

  • In-Person Visits
  • Free Virtual Resources
  • Open Lic


Please contact me by email if you would like to discuss scheduling an in-person school visit. Details of the presentations I offer can be found in the pdf below. I am currently scheduling in-person visits for the 2023-2024 school year. Unfortunately, I am completely booked for the 2022-2023 school year.

Author Visit Flyer



In response to the digital learning needs prompted by the pandemic, I have created a variety of virtual activities and games. Each is slightly different.

If you are a teacher and would like to run through the escape rooms quickly to “test-drive” the content, feel free to email me directly for a teacher cheat-sheet.  🙂

SPOILER ALERT! All activities assume your students have read the entire book!

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The Bitter Side of Sweet: Escape Room (45-60 minutes)

This escape room is a fun “choose your own adventure” style story that could be assigned to individual students or small groups. Topics vary, but are generally social studies-eque. Responses are not collected, but are instead verified automatically by GoogleForms so everything is a “right or wrong” answer and kids have to figure out the right answer to move on. Note: There are two versions, based on teacher preference around the inclusion of sex slavery statistics.

Screen Shot 2021-01-19 at 9.11.50 AM The Bitter Side of Sweet: Reflection Activity (45-60 minutes)

The reflection activity is a series of more serious short answer and essay questions asking students to reflect on and engage with three complex topics related to child slavery in cocoa production. The reading level is more advanced, and the questions ask for nuanced feedback, so it may not be appropriate for all groups of students. Individual responses will be emailed to the teacher assigning it, not me, so teachers can grade or respond to student answers as they see fit.

1. The supreme court case of former child slaves vs. Nestle & Cargill,
2. What “Fair Trade” means and the trustworthiness of branding, and,
3. Personal slavery footprint: how responsible each of us are for the supply chains of the products we use.

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The Bitter Side of Sweet: Jeopardy Game (30 minutes)

A fun, quick class activity, this is your standard Jeopardy game, based off of the book.

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Golden Boy: Escape Room (45-60 minutes)

This escape room overlays the process of producing a novel on a plot summary for Golden Boy. It could be assigned to individuals or small groups. Topics vary, but are generally social studies-eque. Responses are not collected, but are instead verified automatically by GoogleForms so everything is a “right or wrong” answer and kids have to figure out the right answer to move on. Videos are included where I discuss the process of writing the book to give it more of an “author visit” feel. Note: There are two versions, based on teacher preference around the inclusion of the AIDS myth.

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Golden Boy: Jeopardy Game (30 minutes)

A fun, quick class activity, this is your standard Jeopardy game, based off of the book.

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Treasure of the World: Jeopardy Game (30 minutes)

A fun, quick class activity, this is your standard Jeopardy game, based off of the book.

Interested in a writing extension for Golden Boy or an escape room for Treasure of the World? Email me and I’ll see what I can do! 


For those curious about how to do classroom read-aloud and online story times, please reference the special open license from Penguin here: 

Thank you for your interest in my books.
Stay safe!tempImage8ewdTB