Tuesday Teaching: Cooking Commands

This project idea was given to me by Renee Dacey, Spanish teacher extraordinaire at Burlington High School. I just used the BHS 1-to-1 iPads and a class YouTube channel to spice it up a little.

Given a unit in Spanish 3 where the kids were learning food and kitchen vocabulary and formal (usted) commands, I had the kids film their own cooking show. This way they had to give positive and negative commands to the camera/audience and use the chapter vocab too! (I paired this with a cooking scene excerpt from “Como agua para chocolate” by Laura Esquivel as an accompanying cultural reading .)

VideoEditor Free lets you take short clips that it merges into a seamless movie that is easily exportable to a variety of places.

The kids typed up a script for themselves using the Notes app for iPad with the international keyboard/spellcheck turned on and then recorded their cooking show at home using the VideoEditor Free app for iPad. This is a great app because it lets you take short clips and then runs them seamlessly together for you (this is key for kids who have trouble memorizing a long passage in a foreign language OR for when the cookies have to bake for an hour!… don’t wanna watch that!). You can record & delete as many scenes as you want and can move them around once you’re done. Once finished, VideoEditorFree lets you export or upload to YouTube, so I had the kids upload their shows to my class site.

The project was a huge success: the kids really engaged the material and, though a few were camera-shy, the whole class enjoyed watching the shows while we all sampled the delicious goodies that had been prepared. Yum!

About Tara Sullivan

Author of GOLDEN BOY (2013), THE BITTER SIDE OF SWEET (2016), and TREASURE OF THE WORLD (2021). Published by Penguin Books for Young Readers Find out more at www.TaraSullivanBooks.com Or, follow me on Twitter: @SullivanStories
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3 Responses to Tuesday Teaching: Cooking Commands

  1. Consuelo Abrisqueta says:

    Hola Tara, mi nombre es Consuelo Abrisqueta, recientemente mi hija Melanie Canales se graduó de BHS. Nací en Lima, Perú, pero vivo en USA por más de 20 años, ocho de ellos en Burlington. En estos momentos me encuentro terminando unas clases de maestría y trabajando en mi tesis. Mi tesis es sobre la implementación de la tecnología en la clase de LE; me gustaría saber si te podría hacer una entrevista para mi proyecto. Además, cree una encuesta para los alumnos que me encantaría probar.
    Si estas interesada por favor escribeme a techespanol@gmail.com.

  2. Hola Consuelo, ¡me alegraría mucho ayudarle! Voy a completar la encuesta que mandó por correo electrónico al departamento hoy. Tal vez en el otoño mis estudiantes puedan ayudarle también.

  3. Consuelo,
    ¿Cómo va el proyecto?

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